2022年9月30日 上海のタクシー事情6

上海駐在経験のある人と共に朱家角(Zhujiajiao)観光した時のこと。 上海のタクシーはエリア設定があり、中心部から乗ってもバスに乗り換えないと辿り着けないためバスに乗った。
乗っているとバスが突然停車し警察のチェックを受けた。パスポートがあったので問題なかったが、ID不携帯だと問答無用で引っ張られるらしい。 観光を終えると雨が降り出した。バスで青浦区中心部まで出たが、上海中心部まで行けるタクシーがない。 ここを流すタクシーは上海中心部には入れないのだ。雨が降ってタクシーが少ない上に中心部へ入れるタクシーを停めるのは至難の業だ。 濡れて寒い中、30分ほど彷徨ってようやく1台見つけてホテルに帰ったが、体は芯から冷えていた。

Taxi situation in Shanghai 6, September 30th, 2022

When I went sightseeing in Zhujiajiao with someone who had lived in Shanghai. Taxis in Shanghai have area settings, and even if we get on a taxi from the center of Shanghai, we can't get there without changing to a bus, so I took a bus.
As I was on the bus, the bus suddenly stopped and I was checked by the police. I had my passport, so there was no problem, but if I didn't have my ID with me, I'd be taken to the police station without question. By the time we finished our tour, it started to rain. we took a bus to the center of Qingpu District, but there were no taxis that could go to the center of Shanghai. Taxis that ran here could not enter the center of Shanghai. It was raining and there were few taxis, and it was extremely difficult to stop a taxi that could take us into the center of Shanghai. After wandering around for about 30 minutes in the wet and cold, we finally found one and returned to the hotel, but my body was cold to the core.