2022年9月18日 上海のタクシー事情2

華為の上海拠点は浦東(Pudong)の金橋(Jingqiao)地区にあり、出張時はその周辺のホテルに宿泊することが多かった。 ただ、浦東国際空港からタクシーに乗るとあからさまに嫌な顔をされる。繁華街の浦西(Puxi)地区なら客もいるが、 浦東では期待できないからだろう。
ある日、日本から来る客人を空港まで迎えに行き一緒にタクシーに乗ったが、行き先が金橋のホテルと分かると態度が激変、 配車係に文句を言っていた。どうにもならないと分かると渋々運転を始めたが、高速道路は時速150キロ、一般道も100キロで疾走し運転も荒い。 さして怖くはなかったが、ひとしきり暴走して気が晴れたのか、お金を払ってタクシーを降りると「ありがとう」と日本語でお礼を言われた。

Taxi situation in Shanghai 2, September 18th, 2022

Huawei's Shanghai base was located in the Jingqiao district of Pudong, and I often stayed at hotels in the area when I went on business trips. However, when I took a taxi from Pudong International Airport, the driver was overtly disgusted. This was probably because there were customers in the busy Puxi district, but not in Pudong.
One day, I went to the airport to pick up a guest from Japan and took a taxi with him. When I told that the destination was the Jingqiao district, the attitude of driver changed drastically, and he complained to the dispatcher. After he gave up that there was nothing to do, he reluctantly started driving, but the speed was 150 km/h on the expressway and 100 km/h on the general road, and the driving was rough. It wasn't scary at all, but after I got out of the taxi after paying, I was thanked in Japanese by saying "thank you."