2022年9月9日 深圳のホテル6・羅湖の深圳香格里拉大酒店
Shenzhen Hotel 6: Shenzhen Shangri-La Hotel in Luohu, September 9th, 2022
There are two Shangri-La hotels in Shenzhen, and I have stayed at both.
Shenzhen Futian Shangri-La is new and comfortable, but it is halfway to the Futian port, and it is far from walking with luggage,
but even if you finally find a taxi, you will arrive in a few minutes. On the other hand,
the Shenzhen Shangri-La Hotel is a 2 or 3 minutes walk from the Luohu port, which is convenient even if it rains.
Someone once told me that Shangri-La was the place to relax in Luohu, which is full of thieves and pickpockets.
Now that public order has improved, Luohu is not so dangerous, but it is certainly a crowded place.
Not only tourists, but also people who pass through the port every day on their way to school or work,
it gets crowded, but I don't dislike the way Luohu looks like that.