2022年9月3日 腸内菌と米食

日本人の腸内菌は米食に適していると何処かで読んだ記憶がある。 たんぱく質の分解よりも炭水化物や海藻類の消化に適した腸内環境だそうだ。 米が主食で魚や大豆でたんぱく質を摂取してきた日本人としては納得できる。 ただ日本の米は中国やアジアの国々と比較すると甘くて美味しい。栄養価は高いだろう。
戦国時代、侍達の食事は米中心で味噌や漬物で4合とか5合食べていたのだとか。 江戸時代などの旅は朝と夜は旅籠で食べるとしても昼はおにぎり2個と漬物、水くらいであったろう。 それで1日何十kmも歩くのだから、米食から摂取できるエネルギー量は恐ろしいほど高い。 そう考えると、現代人は栄養の取り過ぎなのかもしれない。

Intestinal bacteria and rice diet, September 3rd, 2022

I remember reading somewhere that Japanese intestinal bacteria are suitable for eating rice. It seems that the intestinal environment is more suitable for digesting carbohydrates and seaweed than for protein breakdown. As a Japanese who has been eating rice as a staple food and ingesting protein from fish and soybeans, I can understand. However, Japanese rice is sweeter and tastier than rice in China and other Asian countries and have a high nutritional value.
During the Sengoku period, the samurai ate mainly rice, with miso and pickles in 4 or 5 cups of rice (approx. 600 to 750 grams). In the Edo period, even if travelers ate breakfast and dinner at an inn, they probably only had two rice balls, pickles, and water for lunch. Since they walk dozens of kilometers a day, the amount of energy they can take in from eating rice is frighteningly high. If we think about it, modern people may be taking too much nutrition.