2022年8月25日 深圳のホテル4・プチ贅沢の意外な効用

深圳・華為基地の百草(Baicao)ガーデン宿泊時の夕食は果物にしていた。朝食ビュッフェに加え、 昼は社員食堂で肉や油ものが多く食べ過ぎを警戒していたため丁度良かった。 ただ、果物も果糖が豊富で糖分過多への不安はあったが思わぬ効用もあった。朝は快便なのである。
確かに果物や野菜には食物繊維が多く、特にドライフルーツでは繊維は増すようだが、生で食べても効果十分のようだ。 専門家ではないので学術的なところは不明だが、特にマンゴーを食べた翌日は顕著だったような気がする。 一方でカロリーも相当高く糖分も取り過ぎでは? と思い控え気味にはしたが、好物のスイカは水分が多いので大丈夫か、 と一人納得してバクバク食べたものだ。

Hotel in Shenzhen 4: The unexpected benefits of petit luxury, August 25th, 2022

When I stayed at Baicao Garden in Shenzhen, Huawei, I had fruit for dinner. In addition to the breakfast buffet, I was wary of eating too much meat and oil in the employee cafeteria during the day, so it was just right. However, fruits are also rich in fructose, and although I was worried about the excess sugar content, there was an unexpected effect. It was a good bowel movement in the morning.
It's true that fruits and vegetables are high in dietary fiber, and although dried fruits seem to have more fiber, eating them raw seems to have a sufficient effect. I'm not an expert, so I don't know the academic part, but I feel like it was especially noticeable the day after I ate mangoes. On the other hand, I thought it was too high in calories and too much sugar, so I was a little reluctant, but I was convinced that my favorite food, watermelon, was high in water, so I ate it a lot.