2022年8月22日 深圳のホテル3・華為ホテルでプチ贅沢

深圳・華為基地にある宿泊施設の百草(Baicao)ガーデンに宿泊した時の夕食は果物だけのことが多かったが、深圳は種類が豊富だった。 マンゴーやドラゴンフルーツ、ライチ、マンゴスチンやランプータン等、果物三昧であったが中でもスイカが好物で良く食べた。 ナイフだけ買ってタオルはまな板兼食器にしてかぶりつく。ご想像いただけると思うが食べると手がベタベタになる。そこで直ぐシャワーを浴びる。
家族の居ない時に果物をいっぱい買ってきて、風呂場で思う存分食べると言うかつての部下がいたが、まさにそんな状態だ。 日本では果物が高いのでそれは非常な贅沢なのだが、中国では思う存分楽しむことができる。 出張中のプチ贅沢と言ったところか。

Hotel in Shenzhen 3: Petit luxury at Huawei Hotel, August 22nd, 2022

When I stayed at Baicao Garden, an accommodation facility at the Huawei base in Shenzhen, I often ate only fruit for dinner, but Shenzhen had a wide variety. Mango, dragon fruit, lychee, mangosteen, lamputan, and other fruits were plentiful, but among them, watermelon was my favorite fluits and I ate it often. Just buy a knife and use the towel as a cutting board and tableware. As you can imagine, my hands got sticky when I ate it, and then, took a shower right there.
There used to be a subordinate who used to buy a lot of fruit when his family wasn't around and ate them to his heart's content in the bath tub, but that was exactly what happened. In Japan, fruits are expensive, so it is a luxury, but in China, you can enjoy it to your heart's content. You can call it a petite luxury while on a business trip.