2022年8月19日 深圳のホテル2・華為ホテルでの夕食

深圳・華為基地にある宿泊施設の百草(Baicao)ガーデンは、隣にレストランが併設され夕食も食べられるが、もっぱら朝食のみで夕食は外出していた。 華為では社員食堂でも夕食を食べられるが、当時は社員証を持っておらず自由に基地内を動くことができなかったため諦めた。
2005年当時の華為基地周辺にはレストランが2~3軒あるだけで、しかも中国語しか通じない。ただ、屋台がいっぱい出ていた。 屋台の場合、言葉が通じなくても指差しだけで食料が調達できる。支払いは「多少銭(Duoshao qian)?」と言えば良く、数字は学生時代の麻雀の心得が役に立った。 夕食は殆ど果物で済ませたが、とにかく安いのだ。朝と昼はしっかり食べて夜は果物と言う健康に良い生活だった。

Hotel in Shenzhen 2: Dinner at Huawei Hotel, August 19th, 2022

Baicao Garden, an accommodation facility in Shenzhen's Huawei base, has a restaurant next door where I could eat dinner, but I mostly only had breakfast and went out for dinner. At Huawei, we can eat dinner in the employee cafeteria, but at the time I didn't have an employee ID card and couldn't move around the base freely, so I gave up.
In 2005, there were only a few restaurants around the Huawei base, and only Chinese was spoken. However, there were many stalls. In the case of food stalls, food can be procured just by pointing, even if you do not understand the language. Payment can be made by saying "Duoshao qian (How much)?". For the money to be paid, I can understand how much as most of the mahjong player can understand. Dinner was mostly fruit, but it was cheap anyway. It was a healthy lifestyle, eating well in the morning and noon and eating fruit at night.