2022年8月10日 上海のホテル3・繁華街だが偽物売りが多いホテル

2007年頃だったろう、上海の宿泊は美臣酒店(Meichen Hotel)に宿泊していた。 淮海中路と陜西南路の交差点付近で上海でも繁華街と言える地域で周囲には様々な店やレストランがあり便利な場所だった。 ただ、怪しい連中も多く、ニセブランド品売りやタカリのような奴らに頻繁に声を掛けられる。
最初は声掛けに一瞬立ち止まってしまっていのだが、こうも頻繁だとさすがに立ち止まる気も失せる。 しかし敵もさるもので並走しながらめげずに日本語で声を掛けてくる。 「何でもあるよ、何が欲しい?」と余りにしつこいので「金が欲しい!」と言うと「俺も欲しいよ」と言って去っていった。 これは効果的と分かって多用したが、以来、声掛けに悩まされることがなくなった。

Hotel in Shanghai 3. Downtown area hotel with many counterfeit sales, August 10th, 2022

Around 2007, I stayed at the Meichen Hotel in Shanghai. Located near the intersection of Middle Huaihai Road and South Shaanxi Road, it was an area that could be said to be a downtown area in Shanghai, and there were various shops and restaurants around, making it a convenient location. However, there are also a lot of suspicious people, and I was frequently approached by fake brand sellers and guys like Takari.
At first, I stopped for a moment when they called out to me, but when it happened so often, I lost the will to stop. However, the enemy also ran side by side and called out in Japanese without hesitation. "I have everything, what do you want?" I said, "I want money!" I found this to be effective and used it a lot, but since then I haven't been bothered by people calling out to me.