2022年7月29日 淺川饅頭

中国のホテル朝食の定番に饅頭の皮だけのような食べ物がある。味は本当に饅頭の皮だけの味だ。 さして甘い訳でもなく無味に近いだろうか。 おかゆと同じように味の濃い肉やソーセージ、卵などを挟んで食べるサンドイッチ用みたいなものかなと思っていたが、どうもこのまま食べるようだ。
調べてみると肉等の具材を挟んだものは包子(Baozi)と呼び、中味のない皮だけのものは慢頭(Mantou)と呼ぶらしい。 慢頭は中国式蒸しパンらしくそのまま食べるようだ。成都へ出張した際、若い同行者が居たのだが、彼は慣れない食べ物で出張中は腹を壊し、 朝食はずっとこの慢頭ばかりだった。彼の名前は浅川君と言うのだが、この慢頭のことを「淺川饅頭」と呼ぶことにした。

Asakawa Manju, July 29th, 2022

A staple of Chinese hotel breakfasts is food like bun skin alone. The taste is really only the skin of the manju. I wonder if it's not sweet, and it's close to tasteless. I thought it would be something like a sandwich to eat meat, sausage, eggs, etc. with a strong taste like rice porridge, but it seems to be eaten as it is.
After researching it, it seems that the one with ingredients such as meat is called Baozi, and the one with only the skin without the contents is called Mantou. It seems to be eaten as it is, like a Chinese steamed bread. When I went to Chengdu on a business trip, I had a young companion with me. He had diarrhea during our stay in China because he had a lot of unaccustomed food and he always ate the Mantou for breakfast. His name is Asakawa-kun, and then I called the Mantou 'Asakawa Manju'.