2022年7月26日 中国での朝食の定番、おかゆ

中国のホテル朝食にはほぼ例外なくおかゆが提供されている。 最初の頃、並んでいたゆで卵をそのまま食べて、なんてしょっぱいのだろう、これが中国のゆで卵かと思っていた。 しかし、中国駐在の経験のある方と一緒にホテルに泊まって始めて食べ方が分かった。 相当にしょっぱいゆで卵はおかゆのおかずなのだ。
それ以来、好んでおかゆを食べた。ピータンやゆで卵、ザーサイの他、海苔の佃煮のようなものもあり様々に味が楽しめる。 ただ消化が良いためか、腹持ちが余り良くなく昼食前には空腹となる。そのため、最初にパンや卵料理を食べた後、おかゆで締めるようにした。 口の中の油が溶けていくようでさっぱりする。中国での朝食の知恵である。

Rice porridge, a standard breakfast in China, July 26th, 2022

Porridge is served at almost all hotels in China for breakfasts. At first, when I ate the boiled eggs that were lined up near the porridge, I found that they were very salty they were and thought that they were Chinese style boiled eggs. However, it wasn't until I stayed at a hotel with someone who had lived in China that I learned how to eat it. A very salty boiled egg is a side dish for porridge.
Since then, I have enjoyed eating rice porridge. I can enjoy a variety of flavors such as peanuts, boiled eggs, zha cai, and seaweed tsukudani. However, because it is easy to digest, it does not keep me full and I will be hungry before lunch. Therefore, after eating bread and egg dishes first, I try to finish with rice porridge. It feels refreshing as if the oil in your mouth is melting away. Breakfast wisdom in China.