2022年7月14日 昔懐かしいスチーム暖房、成都のホテルにて

成都では天悦飯店(Tianyue Hotel)を定宿としていた。夏は暑く、冬は寒い成都のこと、クーラーは必須だが暖房はと言うと昔懐かしいスチームなのだ。 懐かしさもあるが何より長期出張時の洗濯の乾燥にはとても便利だ。ホテルでの洗濯では、空調の除湿モードではカラッと乾かず乾燥に苦労する。 その点、スチーム暖房は近くに干せば良く乾く。多分、寒い成都の気候では空調程度では不十分なのだろう。
思い返せば、小・中学校では石炭ストーブだったが、高校に入るとスチーム暖房であった。 このスチーム暖房の配管のために各教室には地下室があり、授業の合間にここに入ってタバコ休憩をする。 喫煙が認められない年齢であったが、高校の先生方、ごめんなさい。

Nostalgic steam heating at a hotel in Chengdu, July 14th, 2022

In Chengdu, I regularly stayed at the Tianyue Hotel. Chengdu is hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Surely, cooling was essential by the air conditioner, but heating was nostalgic steam. It was nostalgic, but above all, it was very convenient for drying laundry during long business trips. When doing laundry at a hotel, the dehumidification mode of the air conditioning did not dry the clothes well and it was difficult to dry. In that respect, steam heating dried well if I dried it nearby. Perhaps air conditioning is not enough in the cold Chengdu climate.
Looking back, there was a coal stove in elementary and junior high school, but when I entered high school, there was a steam heater. There was a basement in each classroom for this steam heating plumbing, and I went into there to take a cigarette break between classes. I'm sorry, high school teachers, although I was at the age where smoking was not allowed.