2022年7月11日 シャワー室で圧死?上海のホテルにて
上海で宿泊したときのこと。中国人上司と一緒で予約を取っていてくれたため、いつもとは異なる錦江之星(Jinjiang Inn)に宿泊した。
Crushed to death in a shower room? At a hotel in Shanghai, July 11st, 2022
When I stayed in Shanghai, I stayed at Jinjiang Inn, which is different from usual, because my Chinese boss made a reservation for me.
The guest room and exterior are normal, and it's close to the office, so it's not bad.
When I took the shower, the door of the shower room was felling down to me. The door was made of glass and weighs might be around 40 kg.
I leaned it against the wall by hauling it.
I was horrified to think that if I suddenly collapsed and died, I wouldn't be found until the next day.
Even if I didn't die, if the door fell on me leg, I might be injured more serios than the broken bones.
In this hotel, the staffs did not speak English,
so I took a shower in a shower room without a door and checked out the next day as if nothing had happened.