2022年7月8日 ホテルにネズミ捕り?

深圳では出張先に近い神舟百瑞达大酒店(Hasee Paradise Hotel)に泊まっていた。 初期の頃は設備も新しくサービスもそこそこで、食事や買い物にも便利な場所だったので頻繁にこのホテルを使っていた。
何年か経って泊まってみるとあちこちで壁紙が浮いて一部は剥がれている。足元には昔懐かしいネズミ捕りが置いてある。 翌朝、部屋を出て廊下を歩くとやたら暑い。夏も近く暑い季節なのに暖房を焚いて扇風機で熱気を送っている。 何故?と怪訝に思っていたが、いろいろ考え合わせて合点が行った。要は湿気が建物から抜けず常に高湿度になっているのだろう。 湿気とネズミの関係は不明だが、多分、活動し易い環境なのだろう。それ以降、このホテルには宿泊していない。

A mousetrap in a hotel?, July 8th, 2022

In Shenzhen, I stayed at the Hasee Paradise Hotel near my business trip destination. In the early days, I used this hotel frequently because the facilities were new and the service was so-so, and it was a convenient place for eating and shopping.
After a few years, when I stayed there, the wallpaper was floating here and there and some of it was peeling off. There is an old-fashioned mousetrap on the floor. The next morning, when I walked out of my room and walked down the corridor, it was extremely hot. Even though summer was almost here and the weather was hot, the heater was turned on and the fan was blowing hot air. I was wondering why? The point was that the humidity did not escape from the building and it was always high humidity. The relationship between humidity and rats was unknown, but it was probably an environment where they could be active. I have not stayed at this hotel since then.