2022年6月5日 香りと記憶1 マニラ空港2

空港到着と同時に触れる香りでマニラに来たこと実感したものだったが、懐かしさと同時に緊張感ももたらした。 当時のマニラ空港は危険で、タクシー以外の交通機関が無く、市中タクシー乗り場への経路も複雑で案内板もない。 その上、タクシーも危険だったので、事前にホテルタクシーを予約する必要があった。
危険と言うのは、日本人と見ると騙して連れ去った後に高額の代金を請求する、最悪の場合は荷物の他にも身包み剥がす連中がウヨウヨいたからだ。 マニラ滞在中に同僚が来たのだが、事前に注意事項を伝えていたにも係わらずホテルへタクシー手配もせずに到着し餌食となってしまった。 幸い1万円払って解放されたが危険な場所だった。

Scent and memory 1: Manila Airport 2, June 5th, 2022

As soon as I arrived at the airport, I felt that I had come to Manila from the scent I could feel, but it also brought me a sense of nostalgia and tension. Manila Airport at that time was dangerous, there was no transportation other than taxis, the route to the taxi stand was complicated, and there was no information board. Besides, taxis were also dangerous, so I had to book a hotel taxi in advance.
It was dangerous because if you looked a Japanese, you'll be tricked and kidnapped, then you'll be charged a high price. A colleague came during my stay in Manila, but he arrived at the hotel without arranging a hotel taxi, even though I had informed him of the precautions in advance. Fortunately, he paid 10,000 yen and was released, but Manila was a dangerous place at that time.