2022年5月21日 遠すぎて払えない空港の駐車料金

米国ではダラス近郊の事業所を拠点にしていたが、ここには公共交通機関が殆どなく出張時は食事やホテルの往復にレンタカーを借りて運転していた。 ダラス・フォートワース空港の場合、ターミナルも多く空港が広い上に駐車場が散在するため駐車料金を空港出口で支払う。 そのため日本の高速道路のように料金徴収ブースがある。
日本の場合、特に意識せずに車の窓から手を伸ばして料金を払うことができるが、アメリカの場合、これがやたら遠くて腕を伸ばしても届かない。 車をかなり左に寄せてようやく届くくらいの距離だ。下手に止めると車を降りて払う、と言う恥ずかしい目に遭う。 米人って腕が長いの? と思ったが小柄な人もいる。皆、困らないのか?

Airport parking fees too far to pass !, May 21st, 2022

In the United States, I was based in a business office near Dallas, where there was almost no public transportation, so I rented a car for meals and to and from the hotel when I was on a business trip. In the case of Dallas Fort Worth Airport, parking fees were paid at the airport exit because the airport was large with many terminals and parking lots were scattered. Therefore, there were toll collection booths like highways in Japan.
In the case of Japan, you can reach out your hand from the car window and pay the toll easily, but in the United States, it is so far away that you can't even reach it with your arm. It is a distance that can be reached by moving the car considerably to the left. If you stop poorly, you will be embarrassed to say that you will get out of the car and pay. I thought that Americans have long arms, but some people were small. What did they do if they could not reach the toll collecting booth, I was wondering?