2022年5月18日 入国手続きに3時間って、これ何? 冗談でしょ

かつて良く使っていたJALのマニラ行き夕方便に久し振りに乗った。さすがに機体はDC-10からB777に変わりシートも最新型だった。 このフライトの問題はマニラ空港の旧いターミナル(ターミナル1)に着くことと到着時刻が中国と韓国からの便が重なり入国審査がごった返すことだ。
着陸態勢だが何かおかしい。全然高度が下がらない。 するとアナウンスがあり、先に着陸態勢に入った韓国機の着陸失敗で、この機も旋回して着陸をやり直すと言う。嫌な予感がした。 案の定、中国機と韓国機が先に到着し入国審査が人で溢れている。結局、入国審査通過は夜中1時過ぎで到着から3時間経っていた。 因みにフライトは4時間だった。もう二度とこの便は使わないと誓った。

A couples of years ago, I took JAL's evening flight to Manila, which I used to use a lot 20 years ago. As expected, the aircraft changed from DC-10 to B777, and the seat was also the latest model. The problem with this flight was that it arrived at the old terminal (Terminal 1) at Manila Airport and the arrival times overlapped with flights from China and South Korea, resulting in a mess of immigration.
When the plane was approaching to the airport, but I noticed that something was wrong. The altitude did not decrease at all. Then, there was an announcement saying that the Korean aircraft, which had taken the landing position earlier, failed to land. And then our JAL plane also turned and landed again. I had a bad feeling. Sure enough, Chinese and Korean planes arrived first and immigration was full of people. After all, I got out of the immigration at 1 AM, and 3 hours had passed since the arrival. By the way, the flight was 4 hours. I decided not to use this flight again.