2022年5月15日 後の席は? 収納し切れなかった荷物だった

かつて成田・マニラ間のフライトはJALとPAL(フィリピン航空)が主で、JALは朝9時頃の1便のみだったが、 ある時から夕方6時頃に増便となり日に2便運行となった。この夕方便は結構、頻繁に使っていた。 ただ、当時の機体はDC-10と言う旧い機種だった。
DC-10の問題は客室の荷物収納が狭いことだ。マニラ便はフィリピン人達も多く、帰国時は家族にお土産を買っていく。 その量が半端ではなくて、スーツケースの他に段ボール3つ、4つあってエコノミー席の客室収納スペースに収まりきれない。 空席に置くもエコノミー席だけで収容できず、ビジネスクラス座席も使う。離陸後に見ると後の席は段ボール。 気兼ねなくリクライニングシートを倒してゆったり過ごした。

What's the back seat? It was a baggage that couldn't be stored., May 15th, 2022

In the past, JAL and PAL (Philippine Airlines) were the main flights between Narita and Manila, and JAL had only one flight around 9 am, but from a certain time, it increased to around 6 pm and there were two flights a day. I used this evening flight quite often. However, the aircraft at that time was an old model called DC-10.
The problem with the DC-10 was that the luggage storage in the cabin was small. Many Filipinos used this flight to back to the Philippines, and they used to buy souvenirs for their families. The amount was incredible, and there were 3 or 4 cardboard boxes in addition to the suitcase, so it could not be stored in the cabin storage space of economy class. Some vacant seats in the economy class were used to put on these boxes, but the number of boxes were far more than the seats, and business class seats were also used. Looking after takeoff, the back seats were cardboard. I didn't hesitate to recline the seat and spend a relaxing time.