2022年5月6日 機上の落雷

フライト中に落雷に遭ったことが2回ある。 技術的に考えれば飛行機にはグランド電位がなく電気的に「浮いている」状態なので、 単に機体表面を電流が流れて再度、地上に向けて電気が放射されるだけだろう。
落雷の瞬間は外がちょっと明るくなって軽い衝撃があると同時に客室内の電気が一瞬消える。 何事だろうと客室内がザワつくと「ただ今、落雷がございました」とアナウンス。 「運行の安全性には支障はございません」と言われるも、安全なのは頭では納得できるが余り気持ちの良いものではない。 一瞬だがかなりの電磁波が充満するはずで、航空機の電子機器は相当頑丈に作られているらしい。 何れにしろ一瞬の影響だろうが、人類の叡智に敬服。

Lightning strike on the plane, May 6th, 2022

I have had two lightning strikes during my flight. From a technical point of view, the airplane has no ground potential and is electrically "floating", so a current may simply flow on the surface of the aircraft and radiate electricity to the ground again.
At the moment of a lightning strike, the outside became a little bright and there was a slight impact, and at the same time, the electricity in the cabin went out for a moment. When passengers in the cabin were buzzing, there was the announce saying, "There was a lightning strike right now." Although it was said that there was no problem with the safety of operation, it was understandable that it was safe, but it was not very pleasant. It should be filled with electromagnetic waves for a moment, and it seems that the electronic equipment of the aircraft is made quite sturdy. In any case, it may be a momentary influence, but I admire the wisdom of humankind.