2022年5月3日 中国ホテルの無意味に広い部屋2

その昔、中国・南京滞在中に杭州近くで障害が発生し、現地法人の同僚2人と共に車で現地に向かった。 南京を出る頃から雨が降っていたが、上海を通って杭州に入る頃は土砂降りに。水の都が文字通り水浸しだった。
障害が復旧すると既に夜9時を過ぎていたが、帰路の橋の冠水で通行止めになっており、仕方なくホテルに向かった。 寺のような豪奢な造りだったが、外国人は珍しいらしく慣れない手続きを終え何とかチェックインした。 同行同僚の配慮で一番良い部屋だったが、麻雀室含め3部屋もあるが冷蔵庫はカラだ。風呂のお湯を出すと茶色い。 多分、滅多に使われないので錆付いているのだろう。風呂にも入れず、濡れた体のまま眠るしかなかった。

Meaninglessly large room in a Chinese hotel 2, May 3rd, 2022

A long time ago, during my stay in Nanjing, China, a failure occurred near Hangzhou, and I went to the site with two colleagues from a local subsidiary. It had been raining since leaving Nanjing, but it was pouring by the time we entered Hangzhou through Shanghai. The city of water was literally flooded.
It was already past 9 pm when the failure was recovered, but the road was closed due to the flooding of the bridge on the way back, so we had no choice but to head to the hotel. It was a regal structure like a temple, but it took a long to check in because foreigners might be quite rare to stay in this hotel and hotel staff tried to complete unfamiliar procedures. It was the best room due to the consideration of my colleagues, there are 3 rooms including the mahjong room, but the refrigerator was empty. The brown fluid came out when the hot water faucet opened. Maybe it was rusty because the room was rarely used. I had no choice but to sleep with my wet body without taking a bath.