2022年4月18日 香港と中国本土間の越境3

香港と中国・深圳間の越境ではバスと地下鉄で上水経由を多用していた。 ただ、混乱するのは香港地下鉄の上水駅で羅湖行きに乗ると羅湖口岸に接続するのだが、落馬州行きは皇崗口岸ではなく福田口岸に着く。 落馬州は皇崗の香港側の呼び名だが皇崗口岸に接続しない。
一度、深圳のタクシーで福田口岸を目指したが降ろされたのは皇崗口岸だった。 確かに皇崗口岸と福田口岸は近くて見える距離だが区別が不明だ。特に皇崗口岸は香港ディズニーランドに行く人が多く、とても混雑する。 余裕を持って口岸に行ったが混雑で間に合わなくなり、香港でタクシーを使うはめになったこともある。 香港と中国・深圳間の越境は不可解な点が多く未だに謎だ。

Crossing the border between Hong Kong and mainland China 3, April 18th, 2022

At the crossing of the border between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China, buses and subways were frequently used via Sheung Shui. However, what is confusing is that if you take the Hong Kong subway bound for Luohu, you will reach to the Luohu port, but if you take the subway bound for Loc Ma Chau, you will arrive at the Futian Kouan instead of the Huanggang Kouan. Loc Ma Chau is the name of the Hong Kong side of Huanggang, but it does not connect to Huanggang Kouan.
Once, I took a taxi from the suburbs of Shenzhen to Futian Kouan, but it was Huanggang Kouan when getting off the taxi. It is true that Huanggang Kouan and Futian Kouan are close to each other, but the distinction is unclear. Especially Huanggang Kouan is very crowded with many people going to the Hong Kong Disneyland. When I went to Hong Kong from Shenzhen with plenty of time, I couldn't make it in time due to the congestion and I had to take a taxi in Hong Kong. The crossing of the border between Hong Kong and China / Shenzhen is still a mystery with many mysterious points.