2022年4月12日 香港と中国本土間の越境1

香港と中国・深圳間には複数の交通手段があるが、何処も混雑が激しい。 一応、香港は中国に返還され同じ国のはずだが、口岸(Kouan)と言う入出境所があるが、各所で手続きや越境方法が異なり難しい。 口岸では皇崗(Hanggang)は24時間、羅湖(LuoHu)と福田(Futian)は午前6時から24時まで開いている。 その他、蛇口(Shekou)はフェリーで、深圳湾は地下鉄で通過する。
皇崗は中国名で、香港側では落馬州(Lok Ma Chau)と呼ぶ。 昼間は香港側にタクシーが進入できず、近くのバスターミナルまで専用バスに乗る。更に中国側と香港側の境界間は有料バスに乗る。 羅湖と福田はタクシーや地下鉄で直接行ける上、越境も徒歩だ。香港・深圳間は利便性、時間、混雑具合を考慮して口岸を選ぶことが肝要だ。

Crossing the border between Hong Kong and mainland China 1, April 12th, 2022

There are several means of transportation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China, but they are all heavily congested. In form, Hong Kong should have been returned to China and be the same country, but there are some control points called Kouan, but the procedures and cross-border methods are different in each control point and it is difficult.
For example, Hanggang is open 24 hours a day, and Luohu and Futian are open from 6am to 24:00. In addition, the Shekou is a Kouan for ferry, and Shenzhen Bay is passed by subway. Hanggang is the Chinese name and is called Lok Ma Chau on the Hong Kong side. In the daytime, taxis cannot enter the Hong Kong side, so take a private bus to the nearby bus terminal. Furthermore, take a toll bus between the border between the Chinese side and the Hong Kong side. Luohu and Futian can be reached directly by taxi or subway, and crossing the border is also on foot. Between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, it is important to choose a control point, Kouan, in consideration of convenience, time, and congestion