2022年3月31日 邪魔だ!! そのはげ頭 …

マニラから南京へ向かったときのこと。マニラ・香港間はキャセイ航空、香港・南京間はドラゴン航空だった。 ドラゴン航空はキャセイのグループ会社で、主に香港と中国本土を結ぶ路線を飛んでいた。 香港空港は昔の啓徳(Kai Tak)空港から現在の赤鱲角(Chek Lap Kok)空港への移動直後で未だあちこちで工事をしていた。
さて、香港・南京間のフライトはエコノミー席が満席でビジネスクラスだったが、座ると何かおかしい。 座席の広さはビジネスクラスだが、座席の間隔がエコノミー並なのだ。 案の定、食事中に前席の乗客がシートを倒し眼前にその乗客のはげ頭が来る。 その頭を掠めて食べなければならないのだ。思わずそのはげ頭にフォークを刺してやろうかと思った。

Move this bald head away!! ..., March 31st, 2022

It was when I headed from Manila to Nanjing, China. I took the flights of Cathay Pacific between Manila and Hong Kong, and Dragon Air between Hong Kong and Nanjing. Dragon Air is a Cathay Pacific group company that mainly flies on routes connecting Hong Kong and mainland China. Hong Kong Airport was still under construction just after the move from the old Kai Tak Airport to the current Chek Lap Kok Airport.
By the way, the flight between Hong Kong and Nanjing was full of economy seats and was in business class, but I felt something was wrong with seats. The size of the seats was business class, but the space between the seats was on par with the economy. Sure enough, a passenger in the front reclined the seat during a meal and the passenger's bald head came in front of me. I had to eat watching and avoiding this bald head. I’ve thought to stab the bald head with a fork.