2022年3月25日 乗り継ぎ(トランジット)で乗り損ね寸前、その後
しかしそこでも … .頭上スペースが満杯でブリーフケースを足元に置くと太ったおばちゃんアテンダントが頭上に入れろ、と言う。
On the verge of failing to make a connection (transit), then, March 25th, 2022
I had a transfer in Sydney to go from Manila to Melbourne, but since it was a domestic flight,
I had to pick up my luggage once. However, it did not come out of the turntable.
I immediately told the ground staff, but at that time, the departure time of the reserved flight had passed.
Fortunately, there was my suitcase and only the carry cart was unknown.
After that, I boarded the flight 1.5 hours later. But even there .... The overhead space is full,
and when I put my briefcase under my feet, a fat aunt attendant told me to put it overhead.
Even though the luggage space was full, fat and aunt ignored it and another male attendant accommodated me.
Qantas lost my luggage and harassed me, I got angry and swore that I would never use Cantus again.