2022年3月13日 遅刻常習犯

海外出張のフライトには余裕を持たず、出発の1時間前の空港到着を目指している。 混雑具合の不明な初めての空港や上海等の手続きに時間のかかる空港を除いてギリギリが多い。 ラウンジが使えずロビーでただ漫然と過ごすのは時間の無駄だ。
ただ、交通機関の遅れや渋滞等で厳しい時もある。JALでは出発まで1時間を切ると「レイトショー」と呼ばれて特別扱いを受ける。 胸に便名付きの飛行機ワッペンを貼って地上職員が出国手続きまで見送ってくれたり、出国審査後は伴走してくれるが、誘導がない方が余程早い。 かつてはワッペンをブリーフケースに貼ってコレクションしていたが、皆さん、特に航空会社の職員、からの冷たい視線を感じて止めた。

Habitual latecomer, March 13th, 2022

When I go overseas business trip by plane, I usually come to the airport one hour before departure so as not to waste my time. Except for the airports where I have not used before and the degree of congestion is unknown and airports such as Shanghai where it takes time to complete the procedure, intentionally I arrive at the airport just before the closure of the check-in counter. Because it's a waste of time to spend time in the lobby without being able to use the lounge.
However, arrival to the airport just before 1 hour of departure is difficult sometimes due to delays in transportation and traffic jams. At JAL, less than an hour before departure, it is called a "late show" and receives special treatment. An airplane sticker with a flight number will be put on the chest and the ground staff will see me off until the departure procedure, or will run with me after the departure examination, but it is much faster if there is no guidance. I used to collect a sticker and put it on my briefcase like a medal, but I stopped because I felt a cold gaze from everyone, especially airline staff.