2022年1月31日 余り大声で自慢できない野菜好き
その様子を見ていた元上司は、「あれ? ポテトサラダが好きなの?」と言ってそれ以上は話題にならなかったが、少々恥ずかしく、言い出せなかった。
I like vegetables that I can't boast about so loudly, January 31st, 2022
I like vegetables as well as soup. I especially like raw and cooked vegetables because of their sweetness,
and even if I go to the shabu-shabu buffet, beef is a side dish, mainly vegetables and tofu.
My feeling is up when the colorful vegetables are lined up rather than when the meat is lined up.
It seems that the body is made up of cheaper foods.
I had a chance to eat with my former boss and his subordinates, but when the topic became hotel breakfast,
my former boss told that he couldn't bear with the potato salad for breakfast, but I couldn't say anything about it.
That was, I love potatoes among the vegetables, and my feeling is up when the potato salad is served.
The former boss who was watching the situation said, "Huh? Do you like potato salad?"
and didn't talk about it anymore, but it was a little embarrassing and I couldn't say it.