2022年1月7日 答えに窮する質問は常識を疑うチャンス
Chance to doubt common sense when there is a question that is difficult to answer, January 7th, 2022
It was the experience when welcoming a Filipino customer to Japan and attending.
He asked me at the station, "Why do Japanese people run at the station?". After thinking for a while, I replied,
"If you take the train in front of you, you will arrive 10 minutes earlier, but if you miss it, you will have to wait 10 minutes here".
Sure enough, he told, "Isn't it only 10 minutes?"
It's only 10 minutes, but 10 minutes, but if you arrive at your destination 10 minutes early and wait 10 minutes there, it's the same.
"In general, Japanese people are strict in time and arrive with plenty of time" I explained, but he had a suspicious expression.
If the train is in front of you, the behavior of running and getting on seems strange to non-Japanese people.
I tried to explain why, but I couldn't find the answer "why?"