2022年1月5日 Lifeと言うYoutubeチャンネル
Youtube channel called “Life”, January 5th, 2022
I wrote earlier that I would watch "Harapeco Twins" on the Youtube channel, but the other one I watch is "Life".
A trap set in the mountains catches wild boars and deer, cooks them in various ways, and eats them, but leaves no internal organs or bones.
After catching the animal, he bows down to thank the mountain god, but his appearance gives him a sense of awe for the animal,
which is similar to the fear of killing him. That's why I like it.
In the past, it should have been possible to coexist to this day by catching only the amount of food to save lives.
However, if the economy develops and it is left to the market principle, it is a good idea to catch as much as you can and earn as much as you can.
And the development of technology supports this. As if it were an inexhaustible resource.
Mankind has forgotten the act of receiving life and connecting life at some point.