2022年1月3日 生命に対する畏敬の念

様々な国には独自の文化があり、それぞれで常識が異なる。食を通じて見えてくるだけでも多種多様だ。 ただ、他の生き物や植物の生命をもらって生き永らえているのが人間と言うのは万国共通である。 食物連鎖の頂点にいるのであるから当然かもしれないし自然の摂理と言えばそれで納得できるものでもある。
ただ、命をもらう対象に対しリスペクトや感謝、ある種の畏敬の念、を忘れてはいけないと思う。 命を奪っておいて食べもせずに捨てるのはは全く独善的行為と言えると思う。他の命をもらって自らの命をつなぐことが許されるとしたら、 手を合わせて感謝し、無駄にせず余すところなく全てを食べるのは義務と考えるのは厳しすぎるだろうか?

Awe for life, January 3rd, 2022

Different countries have their own cultures, and each has different common sense. There are many kinds of things that can be seen through food. However, it is universal that human beings survive by receiving the lives of other creatures and plants. It may be natural because we are at the top of the food chain, and it is also convincing when it comes to the providence of nature
However, I think we must not forget the respect, gratitude, and some kind of awe for those who give their lives to us. I think it is a completely self-righteous act to take a life and throw it away without eating it. If it is permissible to take the lives of other creatures and plants and connect one's own life, is it too strict to think that it is obligatory to pray and thank them and eat everything without wasting it?