2021年12月30日 食の廃棄で考えさせられること

中国でも食の廃棄は問題のようで、「食べきれる量だけ頼もう。余ったら持ち帰ろう」みたいな政府広報を何度か見た。 今まで何の疑いもなくやっていた習慣を急に変えよ、と言っても簡単には変わらないが、常識を疑った問題意識は解決の第一歩。今後の進展に期待する。
美味だからたくさん食べたい、と言う気持ちもあろうが、美味なものほど後を引くくらいで止めておいた方が良い。 その味を記憶し再び出会えた料理を再び無心に楽しむことに粋を感じるが、中国料理はやはり量が多い。そして皆、満腹まで食べないので、勢い、大半が残ってしまう。 習慣と言えばそれまでだし、善悪を言うべきものではないが、当たり前にも疑いを向けたいものだ。

Things that make me think about waste of food, December 30th, 2021

Disposal of food seems to be a problem in China as well, and I have seen several government publicity reports such as "Let's ask for as much food as we can eat. Let's take it home if we have a surplus." It's not easy to change the habits that we used to do without any doubt, but the problem consciousness that doubts common sense is the first step to solve it. I look forward to future progress.
We may want to eat a lot because it's delicious, but it's better to stop it by pulling back the more delicious it is. I feel the essence of remembering the taste and enjoying the food that I met again, but the amount of Chinese food is still large. And since everyone doesn't eat until they're full, most of the momentum remains. Speaking of habits, it's up to that point, and I shouldn't say good or evil, but I want to raise doubts as a matter of course.