2021年12月26日 夕食の風景、中国のケース

オーストラリアの夕食について述べたが、中国でも同様のようだ。夫婦共働きが多いため、子供を両親に預けたりして朝食もオフィスや屋台で済ますようだ。 そのため、夕食だけは家族でゆっくり取るのが当然らしく、多くのレストランが賑わっている。
中国で街を歩くと夜10時頃でも子供連れが多いのに驚く。ショッピングや散策をしているのだが、多分、家族揃って外食をした後、束の間の団欒を楽しんでいるのであろう。 若い頃には疑問は持たなかったが、父親抜きの夕食が普通で居酒屋で夜遅く帰宅し、父親抜きの家族がそれぞれ夕食を取って自室に散っていく日本ってホントに特殊なのだと思う。 中国の方が余程、人間らしい生活を送っている気がする。

Dinner landscape, Chinese case, December 26th, 2021

I mentioned Australian dinner, but it seems the same in China. Since many couples work together, it seems that they can leave their children to their parents and have breakfast at the office or food stalls. Therefore, it is natural for the family to eat only dinner slowly, and many restaurants are crowded.
When I walked around the city in China, I was surprised that there were many children with their family even around 10 pm. They were shopping and taking a walk, but maybe after eating out with their family, they were enjoying a brief break. I haven't had any doubts that dinner without a father was normal and the father went back home late at night after drinking at izakaya (Japanese style pub) and his family eats dinner without the father and scatters in each room when I was young, but that style in Japan was quite rare in other countries... I feel that China is living a more human-like lifee.