2021年12月14日 オーダーが通じないと出てくるもの
曰く、バーボンのワイルドターキーが伝わらない、トマトジュースが出てこない …等々。ご他聞に漏れずコーラが出てきたらしい。
Things that come out if the order does not go through, December 14th, 2021
In the past, the direct flight between Dallas and Narita was used only by American Airlines,
but everyone had a hard time pronouncing the in-flight service. They said, the wild turkey of bourbon was not brought,
tomato juice did not come out ... etc. It seemed that cola came out without exception.
It was even more so because it was in the cabin where the engine sound echoed.
I was confident in English, so when I tried it, wild turkey and tomato juice came out without any problems, and I deepened my confidence.
In addition, banana shakes, which are difficult for Japanese to pronounce, were also used in the city.
However, I stumbled on a vanilla shake. I had to drink cola unintentionally about 3 times, but after I learned how to pronounce Manila,
I became able to drink 100% vanilla shake