2021年12月12日 バニラシェイクが飲みたい!!
A cup of vanilla shake, please!!, December 12th, 2021
In the United States, hamburgers were often easy to use, but as expected, the amount is twice that of Japan. At Burger King, the double whopper was too big to eat.
The large amount does not disappoint, so if you ask for the smallest amount, there is no problem.
The problem was drinks. Texas, which I often go to, is hot in the south. In the summer, there are many days when the temperature exceeds 40 °C, and I want to drink a shake.
The problem is that cola comes out no matter how many times I order with vanilla shake. It's a pronunciation problem.
Someone said it was close to the pronunciation of Manila in the Philippines, so when I tried it, a vanilla shake finally came out.
Until I got here, I had to drink cola about 3 times.