2021年12月6日 骨を煮込んだスープの旨味

思えば日本料理の出汁は鰹節や昆布等の魚介系である。動物系のスープは思いつく限り鶏や豚の骨を煮込むラーメンスープくらい。 ただ、そのルーツは中国である。日本では骨まで煮込むのは飽くまで魚介系で、動物系ではやらない。
一方、海外には動物の骨を煮込む料理がたくさんあって、特にアジアに多い。 中華料理でも木を輪切りにした丸いまな板の上でナタのような包丁を使って骨ごとぶった切って煮たり焼いたり調理する。 だから中国の人は全部を頬張って骨だけ吐き出すのだろう。子供の頃、一度口に入れたモノを吐き出してはいけないと教わったのだが、 どうも中国ではこの流儀は通用しないらしい。旨味は骨の周囲で強いのでぶつ切りは理に適っていると思う。

The taste of soup with stewed bone, December 6th, 2021

If you think about it, the soup stock of Japanese cuisine is seafood such as dried bonito and kelp. Animal-based soup is about ramen soup that stews chicken and pork bones as much as I can think of. However, its roots are in China. In Japan, simmering bones is fish-based, not animal-based.
On the other hand, there are many dishes that stew animal bones overseas, especially in Asia. Even in Chinese food, you can use a kitchen knife like a machete to cut the bones together and boil, bake, or cook them on a round cutting board made by cutting wood into round slices. That's why Chinese people will chew everything and spit out only bones. When I was a kid, I was told that I shouldn't spit out what I put in my mouth, but it seems that this style doesn't work in China. The meats around a bone are very tasty, so I think it makes sense to chop it.