2021年11月30日 締めて食べる、と言うこと

マカティで食べたリッチョンは子豚だったが、大型豚の丸焼きをミンダナオで食べた。 しかも締めるところから調理の全工程が見られる、と言う特典付きで。
最初に豚を締める。周囲の雰囲気から最期を感じた豚の「断末魔の叫び」は暫く耳に残った。 そこから内臓を取り出し、香草等を詰め込んで口から肛門まで棒を通し、回しながら炭火で時間をかけてこんがりと焼き上げる。 焼いている最中は炭火焼豚肉の良い香りが漂う。ゲストには優先的に希少部位の耳と鼻がもらえるのだが … やはり脂がたっぷり。 しかし、焼き上がった皮はパリパリ、肉はジューシーでたいへん美味。様々な生き物の命をもらって我々は生きているんだな、と考えさせられた食事だった。

Kill and eat, November 30th, 2021

Ritchon, eaten at Makati, was a piglet, but I ate a roasted large pig at Mindanao. Moreover, with the privilege that I could see the whole cooking process from the point of killing.
Killed the pig first. The pig's "Death cry", which felt the end from the surrounding atmosphere, remained in my ears for a while. Took out its internal organs, stuffed it with herbs, passed a stick from the mouth to the anus, and baked it over a long period of time over charcoal while turning it. During the baking, there was a nice aroma of charcoal-grilled pork. The guest would be given priority to the ears and nose of the rare part, but ... After all, there was plenty of fat. However, the baked skin is crispy and the meat is juicy and very delicious. It was a meal that made us think that we are alive by receiving the lives of various creatures.