2021年11月20日 中国茶の味わい

中国ではコーヒーに難儀するがお茶の選択肢は豊富。日本人には鉄観音や龍井(ロンジン)茶が違和感ないが、油料理にはジャスミン茶や菊茶が合う。 苦丁茶はとても苦く別の意味で飲むのに難儀した。好みは雲南茶で日本でも知られたプーアール茶だ。
お茶の淹れ方は難しい。湯温に始まり抽出時間等、適当にやると単に薄いお湯になる。上手い人が淹れると香りも味も抜群で、これほど甘く美味なのかと驚いた。 中国の人々は上手く茶葉を避けて飲むので真似てみるが、茶葉も口に入ってくる。月桂樹のような葉っぱ1枚をお湯に浮かべたお茶を飲んでる人が居て、 これなら茶葉問題もないだろうと思ったが、何処で買えるのか聞きそびれてしまった。

The taste of Chinese tea, November. 20th, 2021

Coffee is difficult to drink in China, but there are plenty of tea options. Tieguanyin and Longjing tea are not uncomfortable for Japanese people, but jasmine tea and chrysanthemum tea are suitable for oil dishes. Kuding tea was very bitter and difficult to drink in another sense. My favorite is Yunnan tea, which is also known in Japan as Pu'er tea.
How to brew tea is difficult. If you do it properly, you should care about the hot water temperature and the extraction time, otherwise you can only enjoy the thin hot water. When a good person brewed it, the aroma and taste were outstanding, and I was surprised at how sweet and delicious it was. Chinese people do well to avoid tea leaves, so I try to imitate them, but tea leaves also come into my mouth. There was a person drinking tea with a leaf like a laurel floating in hot water, and I thought that there would be no problem with tea leaves, but I missed where to buy it..