2021年11月16日 中国では食べ過ぎに注意

中国のオフィス近くでは屋台が出て良い香りをさせながら様々な朝食を売っていた。中身のない饅頭、肉や野菜を薄い生地で巻いたクレープのようなもの、 麺類等、食欲をそそられるが横目で見ながら事務所へ向かった。朝が忙しいのは万国共通で、社員達は出勤途中で朝食を買いオフィスで食べている。
華為では各拠点に何箇所もの食堂があり1日3食に対応していた。グローバル企業ゆえに中華だけでなく洋食ビュッフェ、更にはハラールのコーナーもある。 ただ、丼飯(お碗が大きい)で油ものや辛い料理が多くご飯が進むため意識して残さないと体重計を見て蒼くなる。 幸い、出張中にブクブク太ったりはしなかったが、案の定、腹回りがキツくなった。

Is it an implicit understanding?, November 16th, 2021

Near the office in China, there were stalls selling various breakfasts with a nice scent. The empty buns, crepes-like meat and vegetables wrapped in a thin dough, noodles, etc. were appetizing, but I headed to the office while looking sideways. Busy mornings are universal, and employees buy breakfast and eat at the office on their way to work.
At Huawei, there were several cafeterias at each base, which served three meals a day. Because it is a global company, there are not only Chinese but also Western buffets, and even a halal corner. However, there are many oily and spicy dishes in rice bowls (large bowls), and the rice goes on, so if you don't leave it consciously, it will turn blue when you look at the scale. Fortunately, I didn't get fat while on a business trip, but as expected, my abdomen became tight.