2021年11月9日 麻婆豆腐発祥の地にて

中国では様々な都市に出張に行った。四川省の成都もその1つだ。ご存知の方も多いと思うが辛さで有名な四川料理である。 しかも豆板醤で有名な「郫县(郫県・ピーシェン)」に宿泊したので食事は辛さの程度が違うだけで殆どのものが辛い。 辛い料理は嫌いではないので良いのだが、それでも毎食となるとさすがに厳しい。
成都は日本でも有名な麻婆豆腐の発祥の地なので成都の何処でも食べられるだろうと思ったが間違いで、殆ど食べられなかった。 唯一、似たような料理を出すレストランでオーダーしたが、辛い上に塩辛い。非常にご飯の進む料理だった。 成都は夏が暑く冬も寒くて厳しい土地だったが、そんな気候も料理に関係しているのだろう。

At the birthplace of “Mapo tofu”, November 9th, 2021

I went on business trips to various cities in China. Chengdu, Sichuan, is one of them. As many of you may know, this is Sichuan cuisine, which is famous for spicy foods. Moreover, since I stayed at "Pishen", which is famous for Doubanjiang, most of the meals are spicy, only the degree of spiciness is different. I like spicy food, so it's okay, but it's a little bit tough when it comes to every meal.
Chengdu is the birthplace of Mapo tofu, which is also famous in Japan, so I thought I could eat it anywhere in Chengdu, but I made a mistake and could hardly eat it there. I ordered it only at a restaurant that serves similar dishes, but it's spicy and salty. It was a very rice-friendly dish. Chengdu was a harsh land with hot summers and cold winters, but such a climate may be related to cooking.