2021年11月4日 いっぱい食べる君が好き~♪

いっぱい食べる君が好き~♪と言う歌のコマーシャルがあったが、歓待の意でご馳走する家族や客人がいっぱい食べてくれると嬉しい。コロナ禍で仕事が 細って目の前の子供にお腹一杯食べさせてやれない親の気持ちを考えると心が痛い。どんなにツラいだろう。
いっぱい食べてる様子を見るのは好きだが大食いを見たい訳ではない。Youtubeの大食いで唯一見るのが「腹ぺこツインズ」だ。若い双子の姉妹が 種々の大食いに挑戦するのだが、彼女達の食べ方が美しい。時間制限があってもかき込むでもなく話すときは食事を中断し、ひたすら食べて米粒ひとつを残さない。 食事は見世物ではないが、食事中は無防備ゆえに本質が見えてしまうものなのかも知れない。

I like you to eat a lot♪, November 4th, 2021

There was a commercial with a song saying "I like you to eat a lot ~ ♪", but I would like to see that the family and guests whom I treat with hospitality will eat a lot. It hurts my heart when I hear about the parents who can't feed enoughly their kids because of COVID-19. What a poor story it is!
I like to see eating much, but I don't want to see a big eater. The only thing I see on Youtube is "Hungry Twins". Young twin sisters try various gluttony challenge, but their way of eating is beautiful. Even if there is a time limit, they stop eating when they talk, and they just eat and do not leave a grain of rice. Eating is not a show, but the essence may be Svisible during meals because they are unsuspecting.