2021年11月3日 食事って演奏会?

前回の続き。ホテルでの朝食中に突然、何の挨拶もなく相席を強いられたが、中国でもそんな経験は一度きりだったので相席は暗黙の了解ではなさそうだ。 ただ食事中の音は酷くてピチャピチャ、クチャクチャ、ズズー、様々な雑音に満ちていた。相席おじさんはようやく席を立ったが、残された食器やテーブルの上 には口から吐き出された皮や骨、種などが散乱していて一気に食欲が失せた。
1990年代の中国に数回行った経験があるが、皮や骨を床に吐き出すのは普通だった。そのためか、頻繁にモップで床掃除していた記憶がある。 その時は食器の中や上以外は汚しても良い場所なのだと納得したのだが、最近の中国ではそんな経験もなかったのでかなり面食らった。

Is eating a concert?, November 3rd, 2021

Continuation of last time. Suddenly during breakfast at the hotel, I was forced to share a table without any greetings, but since I had only had such an experience in China, it seems that sharing is not an implicit understanding. However, the sound during the meal was terrible and full of fluttering, chewing, slurping, and various noises. ‘Old man named Mr. Sharing’ finally got out of his seat, but I lost my appetite at once because of the skin, bones, and seeds spit out of his mouth scattered on the tableware and tables left behind.
I've been to China several times in the 1990s, but it was normal to spit skin and bones to the floor. Perhaps because of that, I remember cleaning the floor with a mop frequently. At that time, I was convinced that it was a good place to get dirty except inside and above the tableware, but I had no such experience in China these days, so it was quite annoying.