2021年11月2日 これも暗黙の了解?
テーブルに戻っても、何食わぬ顔をして食べ続けるおじさん。しかも周りには空いているテーブルもあるのに、何故、このテーブルに座ったの? 良く分からな
Is it an implicit understanding?, November 2nd
Since I've been to China frequently over the last few years, I have had many opportunities to encounter situations with different
implicit understandings.
First of all, it seems that shared seats are common. The hotel's breakfast was buffet style, but while we were asking for additional
food, an unfamiliar old man sitting at a double seated table was eating. The half-eaten plate was on the table, so I can only think
that he intentionally sat at the same table. An old man who keeps eating no glance at me even if I take food and returns to the table.
Besides, there is an empty table around, why did you sit at this table? I'm not sure, but in China, it may be an implicit understanding
that hotel breakfasts are shared.