2021年11月1日 祝 プログ再開

中断から今日まで実に様々な出来事があったが、過ぎてみれば一瞬であったとさえ思えてくる。4~5時間睡眠の連続で多忙且つ過酷な日々だったが、やりがいも あって楽しかった。
打って変わって今はコロナに翻弄される静かな日々である。コロナが明ける頃には、きっと生活様式や事業のあり方も変化しているだろう。海外に行けない今は 日本のアイデンティティーを見つめ直す良い機会だ。海外で出会った人々や驚いたこと、へ~っと感心したこと、わ~っと感動したことなど様々な経験を面白お かしく書いていきたい。コロナ明けに役立つようにと願いながら。

Greetings for restarting of the blog, November 1st, 2021

Resumed a blog that was interrupted 10 years ago due to busyness. Taking this opportunity, I move it to our web pages and restart. There have been various events from the blog interruption to the present, but when it passes, it seems that it was a moment. It was a busy and harsh day with 4-5 hours of sleep, but it was rewarding and fun.
There have been drastic changes, and now it's a quiet day because of COVID-19. When it would be over, lifestyles and businesses will surely change. Now that we can't go abroad, it's a good time to reconsider Japan's identity. I would like to write funny things about the people I met overseas, what I was surprised at, what I was interested at, and what I was impressed with. Hoping to help when COVID-19 would be over.